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What is convicted driver insurance?

Convicted driver insurance is car or van insurance for people who have been convicted of a driving offence. These convictions include those who have been convicted of a driving offence, from minor speeding offences to driving under the influence, disqualifications, or complete driving bans. Convicted driver insurance is also known as high-risk or non-standard insurance.

How much does convicted driver insurance cost?

The cost of convicted driver insurance can differ significantly. There are several factors that can influence the cost, including the nature of the driving conviction, the seriousness of the offences, drivers age and experience, the type of vehicle that is being insured as well as the insurance provider’s policies. If you have a driving conviction you need to be aware that convicted driver insurance tends to be more expensive than standard vehicle insurance as the risk associated with drivers who have previous convictions is perceived as higher.

However, no matter how much more the premium is, you are still legally required to have insurance.

Can I get convicted driver insurance with a drink driving offence?

Yes, you can get convicted driver insurance even if you have a drink driving offence on your record. You may however find it more challenging after a driving offence to obtain insurance, with fewer policies and provider to choose from, as well as your premiums becoming higher due to the increased risk associated with this type of offence.

It is worth noting the following:

• Higher premiums – insurance premiums for convicted drivers, with driving offences, are likely to be much more expensive than those without. That’s because you’re seen as a greater risk, so more likely to have an accident and therefore claim on your insurance.

• Disclosure of offence: It is essential to disclose any motor convictions, including drink driving offences, when applying for insurance. Not telling your insurance provider can result in your insurance being invalidated or refusal of claims in the event of an accident.

• Limited coverage options: Some insurers may offer limited insurance coverage options for drivers with drink driving convictions. However, specialist insurers, may offer comprehensive insurance for those with convictions.

Are there ways to reduce the cost of convicted driver insurance?

Yes, there are a few things convicted drivers can do to keep the cost of vehicle insurance down. Examples of these are:

Increasing Voluntary Excess: Agreeing to pay a higher voluntary excess (the amount you contribute towards a claim) can lower your insurance premiums. However, be sure you can afford the excess amount in case you need to make a claim.

Driving Rehabilitation Courses: Completing a driving rehabilitation course, especially for offences like drink driving, may not only fulfill legal requirements but also demonstrate to insurers your commitment to safer driving practices, potentially leading to reduced premiums over time.

Limited Mileage: If you don’t drive many miles, opting for a limited mileage policy can help reduce your premiums, as insurers perceive lower mileage as lower risk.

Vehicle Security Measures: Installing additional security features on your vehicle, such as alarms, immobilizers, or tracking devices, can help lower insurance premiums by reducing the risk of theft.

Will my insurance premiums go down over time with a driving conviction?

In general, insurance premiums for convicted drivers may decrease over time, but this depends on several factors:

Conviction Severity: The severity of the driving conviction can significantly impact how much and how quickly your premiums may decrease. For example, minor convictions such as speeding offences may have less of an impact on premiums over time compared to more serious offences.

Time Since Conviction: Insurance companies typically consider the recency of convictions. As time passes since the conviction, if there has been no further incidents, insurers may view you as a lower risk and gradually decrease your premiums over time.

Driving Record: Maintaining a clean driving record following a conviction can demonstrate to insurers that you’re committed to safer driving practices. Over time, a consistently clean driving record can contribute to lower premiums.

Insurance Provider Policies: Different insurance companies may have varying policies regarding how they assess convictions and adjust premiums over time. Some insurers may offer more leniency or faster reductions in premiums for convicted drivers than others.

Additional Factors: Other factors such as changes in personal circumstances, fluctuations in insurance market conditions, and regulatory changes can also influence how insurance premiums change over time.

What happens if one of my drivers has an accident while using a Hire & Reward vehicle?

The BCD Claims team are on hand to help make the claims process as hassle free as possible, dealing with your claim quickly and efficiently. If you are involved in an incident, call us on 03332 412 204.

Here are some recommended steps to follow;
• Assess whether you need to call the emergency services and move to a place of safety.
• Note the time, date and conditions (lighting, surface quality, weather etc)
• Assess the damage, inspect the vehicle (s) and take photographs of the vehicles and accident scene. Make a note of any injuries sustained.
• If you have a dash-cam, this can provide vital evidence to back up your claim.
• Be respectful and try and stay calm. Do not apologise or admit fault.
• Take the details of any third party, including their vehicle registration.
• If there are witnesses, take their details in full.
• Get roadside recovery if required.
• Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible.

How do I find the right Hire & Reward Insurance provider?

Talk to BCD, we have a range of insurers and products suited to all company types, levels of experience and size. We have insurers that prefer supporting firms with less than 10 vehicles, between 10 & 25 and beyond.

Some insurers prefer you to have cameras and telematics, others are happy just as long as you use their claims app.

So give us a call and let us help.

Is Public Liability Insurance included in this cover?

No, Hire & Reward Insurance typically provides cover for damage to your vehicle. Public Liability is a separate policy that protects against accidents to the public outside your vehicle. Talk to us at BCD for help and advice on this.

What is Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance?

Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance is vehicle insurance for companies who need to insure three or more cars or vans to deliver goods or people on UK roads, for example Couriers, Hauliers and Taxi firms.

Essentially Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance is the same as ‘normal’ Fleet insurance but includes that all important ‘Hire & Reward’ extension that reflects the fact you are using the UK road network to run your business and acknowledges that you will driving far more miles than most vehicles that spend their time parked at home or work.

Who needs Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance?

If you are a business that transports goods, property/parcels, or people (passengers) and you get paid to do so, you legally need specific Hire & Reward Insurance. If you’re a courier delivering goods using your own vehicle, you’ll need to take out Hire & Reward Insurance. It covers you for delivering parcels and packages in exchange for payment.

This means that if you are involved in an accident while on the job, your insurance will cover vehicle repair, third party, and legal costs. It is essential for Hauliers, Taxi Drivers, Coach Drivers, Couriers, Fast Food Delivery Drivers, Chauffeur Drivers, Funeral Car Drivers, or anyone that carries people or property of others in exchange for a fee.

Hire & Reward Insurance policies for fleets are designed for businesses with three or more vehicles.

What factors influence the cost of Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance?

The factors that will impact on the Hire & Reward Insurance premium you pay include:

• Number of vehicles.
• Your industry
• Years of experience
• Claims history.
• Minimum and maximum age of your drivers.
• If you have cameras and telematics installed.
• Initial and ongoing drivers checks and training.
• Length of your policy (Hire & Reward Fleet policies can be up to three years long)

Talk to our experts at BCD who understand the needs of Hire & Reward Fleets and will work with you to help you get a competitive quote that meets your needs.

How is Hire & Reward Insurance different from regular Commercial Insurance?

Hire & Reward if different as it extends your cover to acknowledge the fact you earn your living using the UK road network and charge your customers to do so. It reflects the fact you will use the roads far more than most vehicles which remain parked at home or work most of the time.

In the event of a claim both insurers and the police will check for this cover, and if not present then there is a good chance your claim will be refused and that could lead to you losing your vehicle and damaging your reputation with your customers.

The good news is that Hire & Reward fleet insurance can also include social & domestic driving for your vehicles, so no need for more than one policy.

What factors influence the cost of Hire & Reward Fleet Insurance?

The factors that will impact on the Hire & Reward Insurance premium you pay include:

• Number of vehicles.
• Your industry
• Years of experience
• Claims history.
• Minimum and maximum age of your drivers.
• If you have cameras and telematics installed.
• Initial and ongoing drivers checks and training.
• Length of your policy (Hire & Reward Fleet policies can be up to three years long)

Talk to our experts at BCD who understand the needs of Hire & Reward Fleets and will work with you to help you get a competitive quote that meets your needs.

What is courier van insurance and why do I need it?

Insurance for your vehicle is legally required for everyone. Any vehicle used on the public highway must be insured by law.

As a courier you need ‘Hire & Reward’ cover.

As couriers carry goods or materials on behalf of other people, you specifically need a level of cover called ‘Hire & Reward’. It’s not just couriers who need Hire & Reward cover; people like Taxi Drivers, Chauffeurs and Fast-Food Deliveries need this unique cover too.

If you carry goods for hire or reward, a standard van policy or commercial van policy will not cover them.

What types of coverage are included in courier van insurance?

The key cover you need is ‘hire & reward’ and you can then select three levels of cover which protects your vehicle either on a fully comprehensive basis or, third party fire and theft or third party only.
Comprehensive insurance covers you against damage or injury to a person (the third-party), their property or vehicle, theft of or fire damage to your vehicle, plus cover for damage to your own vehicle.
Third-party, Fire & Theft covers against damage or injury to a person (the third-party), their property or vehicle, plus offers cover for theft of or fire damage to your vehicle.
• Third-party is the most basic level of cover, protecting you against damage or injury to a person (the third-party), their property or vehicle only. It does not protect your own vehicle.

How does courier van insurance differ from regular car or van insurance?

Regular car or van insurance does not offer the appropriate cover for work as a courier. As a courier, you are constantly on the road, typically delivering goods to one or more locations using your vehicle for commercial gain. In contrast, most people’s cars are sat on their driveway, or in a work car park for the majority of the day. Your vehicles are therefore exposed to more risk than is normally encountered by non-courier car or van drivers.

If you get paid to deliver goods, you need the specialist cover called ‘hire or reward’. In addition, you need your insurance to cover the risk that you pose to other road users and the public. Courier Insurance needs to be more comprehensive than normal van insurance, and at BCD, we can talk you through the different aspects such as Goods in Transit and Public Liability. We can also help you with cover for specialised vehicles, such as refrigerated vans, and international transport cover.

What is Fleet Insurance and why is it important?

Fleet Insurance is a type of cover which is designed for businesses who own multiple vehicles. To save you from having multiple policies, Fleet Insurance allows you to have all your commercial vehicles insured under one policy.

Consolidating insurance into one policy means one renewal date and one payment date, thereby reducing the amount of admin and paperwork that you have to deal with and helps to streamline your operation.

Fleet Insurance can also save companies money, since bulk buying motor insurance from a single provider, may enable you to benefit from substantial discounts, compared with purchasing separate policies for each vehicle from various insurers.

How does Fleet Insurance differ from regular vehicle insurance?

Fleet Insurance is a specialist type of commercial insurance policy, so it isn’t available through all insurance providers. As a specialist broker, BCD are industry experts, familiar with all the types and levels of cover available.
Overall, a Fleet Insurance policy offers similar coverage to a standard car or vehicle policy, plus some additional features designed for business needs.

A Fleet Insurance policy can cover aspects such as;

  • Loss or damage to the vehicle.
  • Recovery of the vehicle following an accident or breakdown
  • Replacement locks if keys are stolen
  • Windscreen replacement
  • Windscreen replacement
  • Trailers or equipment attachments
  • Cover for personal belongings stolen from the vehicle
  • Driving abroad
  • Courtesy vehicle during repair
  • These features are available from most Fleet Insurance providers, either as standard or as optional extras.

    You will need to check specific exclusions, for example Motorbikes, Forklift trucks and excavators tend to need specific cover.

    In addition, Fleet Insurance policies cannot cover all types of claim.

    It would not for example cover;-

  • Vehicle theft due to driver negligence, such as leaving the vehicle unlocked
  • Damage to the tyres or body underside
  • Mechanical breakdown.
  • Fleet Insurance covers multiple vehicles. The number of vehicles considered a fleet varies according to the provider. For BCD that number is 3 or more. The vehicles can be registered in the company name, partner or director of the company, allowing one policy to cover all your vehicles with the business. It can be more cost effective than insuring each individual vehicle separately.

    Is a fleet policy cheaper?

    Whilst quantity-based discounts may be available, a fleet policy is not always cheaper, each risk is looked at on an individual basis and our insurance experts will be able to review your requirements and offer further advice and information on prices. However, we may be able to find you more extensive cover and get exclusive deals not advertised to the public.

    How can I save money on my Fleet Insurance premiums?

    Agreeing to have a higher excess on your policy may help to lower the premiums. We will discuss your fleet claims experience as this will impact the premiums you pay. Demonstrating that you have a robust risk management strategy in place and undertake aspects such as driver training and the use of onboard telematics, can also help to reduce premiums.

    Who can drive on Fleet Insurance?

    Fleet Insurance policies are limited to the vehicles that you specify under the policy. The vehicles cannot be used for any other business use other than which is stated on your policy. In most instances, any driver that your business employs can drive on your Fleet Insurance without you having to update your whole policy.

    What types of businesses typically require Fleet Insurance?

    Fleet Insurance can be effective for a wide range of business types, spanning most sectors. BCD can access a range Fleet Insurance options available on the market which cater specifically to particular industries, such as Taxi Fleets, Light Goods Fleets and Minibus Fleets.

    We can even help you with Hazardous Good Fleets Insurance, where a fleet is used to transport hazardous materials such as toxic waste, chemicals, biological waste or radioactive materials.

    Carrying these materials has a high risk, which is why a specialist hazardous goods Fleet Insurance policy is needed that is tailored to provide the specific cover suitable for the nature of your cargo.

    Business Fleet Insurance is a more general, flexible Fleet Insurance policy which can cater to a range of businesses, using their vehicles for different purposes.

    A minimum of three commercial vehicles is required for our Fleet Insurance. There are no limitations on the number of vehicles we can get covered. No matter what size of business you operate, if you have 3 or more commercial vehicles, we can offer affordable Fleet Insurance for both small and large businesses.

    If you are a business that uses company-owned vehicles such as company cars for your employees, or you have a fleet of company vans undertaking deliveries around the country then a Fleet Insurance policy will help you manage all your vehicles.

    Fleet Insurance enables you to cover all the vehicles your business operates under one policy.

    Fleet Insurance coverage options

    Individual Fleet Insurance policies can cover multiple different types of vehicle. Typical cover options include;-

  • Third-party fire and theft cover – provides protection should a vehicle be stolen or damaged by fire, in addition to the standard third-party protection.
  • Comprehensive Fleet Insurance – protects against any damage sustained to a vehicle covered by the policy.
  • If you opt for a comprehensive level of cover, you typically have insurance for your drivers as well.

    For this to be taken out, you will need to provide detailed information about the drivers on your policy to create a bespoke quote.

    If you want to name drivers on your policy, you have to provide information about each employee that may drive your vehicles, including their age and claims history.

    What types of vehicle can be covered by Fleet Insurance?

    Fleet Insurance products are available for most vehicle types, including cars, vans, coaches, and taxis. It also extends to non-road vehicles, such as Plant and Equipment, Tractors, etc. An ‘any vehicle’ policy can cover an assortment of vehicle types uses for different purposes and allows for changes in fleet makeup. Note however you need to check the specific cover offered by your policy as Motorbikes, Forklift trucks and excavators may be excluded, as may vehicles not registered in the UK.

    Fleet Insurance for leased vehicles

    When it comes to leasing a vehicle, insurance is not included so you will need to arrange this yourself. Leased vehicles must be insured from the day of delivery to the end of your contract on a fully comprehensive insurance policy. This covers the full cost of repairing any damage to your vehicle, in addition to third-party property, in the event of an accident.

    Is Fleet Insurance mandatory i.e. required by law?

    Because you must have motor insurance to drive a vehicle on roads in the UK, then yes, all fleets are legally required to have a minimum of Third-Party insurance cover.

    If you use cars or other types of vehicles as part of your business, it’s imperative that you take out at least the minimum level of cover on every company vehicle. You don’t have to take out a Fleet Insurance policy – you can choose to insure each motor individually.

    If you have an accident and cause damage or injure someone, or a vehicle or an animal or property, then having third party insurance will cover you. However, it would not cover repair costs to your own vehicle.

    If you don’t have the resources in your business to manage and juggle several different policies then taking out a single policy for all the vehicles in a fleet is the only way to ensure that they all have identical levels of cover and help to reduce your admin burden.

    What factors are considered when calculating Fleet Insurance costs?

    There are a number of factors that impact the level of insurance premium you pay. Key considerations include; –

  • Number of vehicles in your fleet.
  • Age and condition of fleet vehicles
  • Where kept overnight and your location
  • Type and size of vehicle
  • How vehicles are used E.g. Risk factors (Do they carry dangerous waste for example?)
  • How often are they used
  • Driver age profile
  • Your risk management process
  • Claims history – those that have been paid out, and any that are still outstanding.
  • Your fleet claims history is one of the main factors that dictates premium levels. An insurer will request a copy of previous claims from which they will ascertain your claims frequency, what has been paid out in claims and any reserves for unsettled claims. The fewer outstanding claims you have, the better it is for helping to reduce your potential premiums.

    This history will be compared to your industry standards for your specific business and using statistical analysis, they will work out the risk you pose. If your claims prove to be higher than average, your premium will reflect this, or you may even be refused a quote if your claims history is significantly above average.

    Risk is the crucial factor for insurers when deciding premiums. We will work with you to provide evidence that you are taking proactive steps to minimise that risk where possible. Insurers will also look at your risk management process such as whether you use dash cameras, telematics, undertake driver training  and monitoring etc.

    Underwriters will also add on a percentage for ‘catastrophe’ risk; how much will depend on the size of the vehicles in the fleet (larger vehicles have the potential to cause greater damage in accidents) and how they are used.

    Insurers also use Claims Loss Ratio as another rating factor. This is a mathematical calculation that takes the total claims that have been made, divided by the total premiums. Each insurance company formulates its own target loss ratio, and it reflects the amount an insurer has paid out as claims as a % of the premiums paid.

    Factors related to the drivers, which may affect your premiums include:

  • Whether you want an Any Driver policy or a Named Driver policy.
  • The number of drivers on the policy.
  • The age of the drivers
  • Any previous driving convictions of any of the drivers
  • What happens if one of my fleet vehicles is involved in an accident?

    Unfortunately, any fleet accident can be costly, resulting in lack of productivity if a vehicle is out of service., plus potentially leading to an increase in future insurance premiums. In addition, fleet drivers may also have to be hospitalised, while your business may be held liable for damages and injuries.

    Fortunately, our helpful team at BCD are on hand to support you through the claims process. You can read more about “How to make a claim” in our article here.

    It is important to contact your insurance provider, or broker as quickly as possible following an accident. They can advise you on what cover you have and what you can claim for. If possible, take photographs at the scene and support the claim with any telematics data you may have such as dashcam.

    Are there any specific requirements for driver qualifications under Fleet Insurance?

    We can arrange a policy that is on an “Any Authorised Driver” basis, or any driver declaration, which allows anyone to drive an insured vehicle with the permission of the fleet manager or directors.

    If a driver has a conviction such as an SP30 speeding conviction and more than 6 penalty points, insurers may impose special terms for that driver as they pose an increased perceived risk.

    Factors related to the drivers, which may affect your premiums include:

  • Whether you want an Any Driver policy or a Named Driver policy.
  • The number of drivers on the policy
  • The age of the drivers
  • Any previous driving convictions of any of the drivers
  • How does the claims process work for Fleet Insurance policies?

    We provide our clients with a high-quality claims service, we endeavor to ensure that our customers claims are dealt with quickly and efficiently. Simply call our dedicated claims hotline.

    Going through a broker also offers the added security of having an intermediary on your side, who has the expertise, knowledge and experience to support you when dealing with your insurer in the event of a claim dispute.

    How quickly will I receive proof of insurance?

    In most cases we can offer an instant quotation and, once payment has been received, we can email the documentation to you immediately. At BCD we understand the importance of acting swiftly to reduce the storage costs.

    My insurer has not asked if my vehicle is impounded, will my standard cover still be OK?

    No, most standard car/van insurance policies do not cover a seized vehicle that is in the compound. This is because a person who has committed an offence serious enough to have their car seized is deemed to be too high risk for most insurers. If your vehicle is impounded, report it to your insurer first to check if it is covered. If it isn’t then you should consider contacting BCD to obtain a policy to enable you to get your vehicle back.  The compound staff will simply refuse to release the car if you only have a standard policy.

    What’s needed to release an Impounded Vehicle?

    – Proof of insurance – it must be a specific impounded car insurance certificate
    – Proof of Identity and driving license
    – Proof of vehicle ownership such as registration documents
    – Proof of address
    – Valid MOT

    Do I need to declare all of my modifications?

    Yes. It is important to tell us about all the changes you have made, even if they are just cosmetic rather than performance enhancing. You may even get a reduction in your premium with certain modifications. We can look at getting like-for-like cover to allow for the true value of all your upgrades, so you are properly covered in the event of a claim.

    What if my car comes with modifications?

    Cars bough from an authorised dealer with optional extras like alloy wheels should not affect your premiums too much, if fitted to the manufacturer’s specifications. It’s worth checking what comes as standard so that you can advise your insurer.

    Always declare all the details of the modifications, especially if it has enhanced the value of your car, to ensure any future claim is not rejected on the grounds of non-disclosure.

    Why do modified vehicles cost more to insure?

    Many underwriters are wary of drivers with modified vehicles, considering them to be reckless and therefore prone to accidents. The reality is, however, that drivers of modified vehicles tend to be vehicle enthusiasts who will go to extreme lengths to protect their pride and joy from harm.

    What insurance do I need?

    Carriage of goods for hire and reward on your vehicle is legally required, you will also need to be sure your Insurance covers fast food delivery.

    Public & Employers Liability, you should first check with your Business Insurance that deliveries are not covered, if needed we can provide you wish cover for both Public and Employers Liability to deliver to your customers, remember Employers Liability is legally required for full or part time staff.

    Goods In Transit, not legally required by you may wish to insure the goods your delivering against theft or damage

    Can I just add on Hire and Reward onto my existing policy?

    There are some top up policies in the market however they generally only cover for ‘Third Party only’ and this means if you have an accident whilst delivering you will need to pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle which could be costly.

    Why should I use BCD

    Delivery insurance is in our blood, its what we were founded to do. We have access to specific fast food delivery products that not just give you the legally required insurance you need but also grant you fully comprehensive cover to protect the vehicle you are using.

    How can I get a quote?

    You can get a quote by ringing our dedicated sales team on 0344 776 5700 Monday to Thursday 9am – 7pm, Friday 9am – 5:30 pm, and Saturday 9am -1pm.

    Alternately request a call back on our website.

    What do I need to get a quote?

    Details of your business and what it does exactly

    Vehicle information including registration and purchase dates

    Details on your no claims bonus and any claims history

    All driver information including their driving history and any claims

    How long will a quote take?

    The first call will take 10-15 minutes, we will submit your information to the specialist insurers on our panel who provide this unique product

    How many vehicles can a Goods in Transit policy cover?

    Our Goods in Transit policies can cover any number of vehicles under one policy. Our sales team will determine how many vehicles you require cover for, and ensure you are covered adequately by giving you a level of cover per vehicle on the policy.

    Why do I need Goods in Transit insurance?

    If your business is involved in transporting goods from one location to another, you may not be covered under the terms of a standard commercial vehicle policy for any damage or loss to any of the goods you are carrying while in transit.

    How can I find the best rates for courier van insurance?

    At BCD we search the market and use our contacts with a wide range of insurance providers to get you the best deal. Whilst cheap courier van insurance is a consideration, it is important to make sure that you have the optimum protection that meets your needs.

    Talk to the experience BCD team for affordable courier van insurance and commercial vehicle protection.

    What factors affect the cost of courier van insurance?

    There are a number of factors that affect the amount of insurance you pay.
    These include;

    • Your experience and no claims bonus.
    • Age and value of your vehicle.
    • The level of cover you chose e.g. Comprehensive, Third Party etc
    • Number of drivers that you wish to have on the policy.
    • Age of drivers and any convictions
    • If you have sign writing
    • Number of drops made and radius worked within.
    • Amount of excess.

    Talk to our experts at BCD who understand the logistics of being a courier and will work with you to help you get a competitive quote that meets your needs.

    Is goods-in-transit insurance included in courier van insurance?

    No. Goods in Transit cover protects the goods you are transporting, which could range from parcels to furniture and white goods, to expensive electronic equipment. Our cover picks these up, including the UK and Europe, with cover levels starting from £5,000. We have some exclusive products to help you.

    The value and nature of your cargo will affect how much you pay on top of your standard policy.

    Can I use my personal van for courier services and still be covered?

    Yes, you can use your personal van for courier work, but you will need to make sure that you have the appropriate specialist courier insurance for it. We also strongly recommend that you have Goods in Transit cover and Public Liability insurance as well. If you have anyone working for you it is a legal requirement to have Employers Liability insurance.

    Call the BCD team for quick, same day quotes.

    What should I do in case of an accident or damage to my courier van?

    The BCD Claims team are on hand to help make the claims process as hassle free as possible, dealing with your claim quickly and efficiently. Call us on 03332 412 204

    If you are involved in an incident, here are some recommended steps to follow;
    • Assess whether you need to call the emergency services and move to a place of safety.
    • Note the time, date and conditions (lighting, surface quality, weather etc)
    • Assess the damage, inspect the vehicle (s) and take photographs of the vehicles and accident scene. Make a note of any injuries sustained.
    • If you have a dash-cam, this can provide vital evidence to back up your claim.
    • Be respectful and try and stay calm. Do not apologise or admit fault.
    • Take the details of any third party, including their vehicle registration.
    • If there are witnesses, take their details in full.
    • Get roadside recovery if required.
    • Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible.

    What is Commercial Van Insurance?

    Commercial Van Insurance is a type of policy for people who drive a van for work purposes. This policy is also for those who use a van to commute to work, even if its not used as part of their job.

    What is Public Hire Taxi Insurance?

    A public hire vehicle is a taxi which is licensed for use as a hackney carriage i.e. a black cab that you can flag down and do not have to pre-book.

    Do I need Commercial Insurance?

    No, with our Taxi Insurance you will not require extra Commercial Insurance as our policies are designed to specifically cover taxi drivers.

    What is Haulage insurance?

    Haulage Insurance is a form of Commercial Vehicle Insurance for people who transport goods in a HGV for work.

    What is Light Haulage Insurance?

    A type of insurance designed for individuals or businesses who carry smaller goods in smaller vehicles on behalf of customers. However, you must make sure that your policy covers you for all types of goods that you carry.

    What Does Minibus Insurance Cover?

    Minibus Insurance through BCD offers three main levels of cover: Comprehensive insurance, Third-party, Fire & Theft, Third-party only – the most basic level of insurance – and Hire & Reward. BCD operates a 24-hour claims service to assist you with any claims issues.

    · Comprehensive insurance covers you against damage or injury to a third party (person), their property, or vehicle, theft, fire damage to your vehicle, and damage to your own vehicle.

    · Third-party, Fire & Theft covers against damage or injury to a third party (person), their property, or vehicle, and includes cover for theft of or fire damage to your vehicle.

    · Third-party is the most basic level of cover, protecting you against damage or injury to a third-party (person), their property, or vehicle only. It does not cover damage to your own vehicle.

    · Hire & Reward Insurance covers you for transporting people, goods, or other property, in exchange for payment. If you earn an income from carrying people, for example, you own or run a taxi service, or transport other people’s goods and items, you’ll need Hire & Reward Insurance.

    Your Minibus Insurance policy can also include optional cover under one policy, such as:

    · Legal fees (in case of a legal dispute with customers or the public)

    · Public Liability Cover (for compensation claims against you for injury or damage)

    · Breakdown cover

    · Option to add additional drivers

    · Personal Accident Cover

    · EU Cover

    Can I Add Multiple Drivers to My Minibus Insurance Policy?

    Yes, absolutely! At BCD, you can add multiple drivers to your Minibus Insurance policy. Adding additional drivers ensures that each individual driver is covered when using the minibus. We take into consideration the driving history and experience of each driver. It’s important to provide accurate details about all the drivers you want to add to your policy so that we can provide a fair quote and ensure that your drivers are properly insured to drive the vehicle. You can also benefit from the ‘Any Driver’ option which insures multiple drivers to use your minibus.

    If you’d like to talk to us about adding drivers to your Minibus Insurance policy, contact us today. Call: 0344 7765 304

    How Can I Lower My Minibus Insurance Premiums?

    You could potentially lower your premiums in a very similar way to car insurance! Keeping the number of drivers to a minimal, parking in secure locations, and trying to have drivers with no motoring convictions are all great starting points. If you choose a Fleet Insurance policy, you could have the option of ‘Any Driver’ which allows different people to drive your vehicle. If your drivers meet the criteria, you can benefit from this hassle-free option, saving time and stress around insuring a wide range of drivers. No Claims Bonuses could also help lower premiums

    Is Minibus Insurance Mandatory?

    Yes, Minibus Insurance is a legal requirement, whether you are using a minibus for Personal Use or Private Hire. Having appropriate cover can also protect you financially in the event of an accident,

    fire, or theft involving your minibus. Additionally, it can help cover legal fees if a compensation claim is made against you. If you plan on operating a minibus, you will need Minibus Insurance.

    What Should I Do in Case of an Accident?

    If you are involved in an accident, do not admit liability as the insurance companies will establish who is responsible. Please follow these steps:

    1. Safety First: Check for injuries and call the emergency services immediately if anyone is hurt or needs medical attention.

    2. Secure the Scene: If it is safe to do so, move the minibus to the side of the road to prevent further accidents or traffic disruptions, and turn on the hazard lights.

    3. Exchange Contact and Insurance Information: Swap contact details, insurance information, and vehicle details (including number plate and driving licence number) with the other parties involved.

    4. Take Photos: Capture images of the accident and surrounding area, showing the positions of the vehicles, any damage, and road conditions. Photos can be valuable for insurance claims and legal purposes.

    5. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel you aren’t injured, some injuries can develop in the days following an accident. See your doctor or go to A&E as needed.

    6. Report the Accident to the Police: Depending on the circumstances, the police may need to be notified and attend the scene to record details.

    7. Contact Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance company promptly and provide them with all relevant details and information from the accident scene. Follow their

    guidance on filing a claim and retain all correspondence related to the claim, including vehicle repair receipts and medical reports.

    The BCD Claims team is available to assist you in making the claims process as hassle-free as possible, handling your claim quickly and efficiently. Call our Claims Team at 0333 2412 204


    Are there any instances where GAP Insurance doesn’t pay out?

    If your motor insurer refuses your claim for any reason, then GAP Insurance cannot settle the shortfall. Also, if you purchase a brand new car which is subsequently a total loss and your insurer offers you a new-for-old replacement vehicle which you refuse, your GAP policy will not pay out. Please refer to your policy wording for full exclusions.

    I rent a salon, do I still need insurance?

    If you rent the property you will not require Buildings Insurance as the building owner should have this covered. However, you would require Pubic Liability Insurance, and Employers Liability Insurance if you have staff working for you. We also recommend Contents & Stock Insurance to ensure your equipment and products are covered.

    I own an office space, do I need insurance?

    If you own the building, you require Buildings Insurance and we would recommend you get Contents Insurance to protect your office equipment. If you have staff, you will also require Employers Liability Insurance.

    I rent an office space, do I need insurance?

    It is the owners responsibility of the building you rent to have Buildings Insurance in place. However, if you have your own staff and contents, you will need to take out Employers Liability Insurance and Contents Insurance.

    How much does Shop Insurance cost?

    The cost of Shop Insurance depends on your business requirements. We have experts on hand to guide you through the process and offer you a quote specific to your business.

    How much does Restaurant Insurance cost?

    The cost of Restaurant Insurance will vary for different businesses. Our aim is to find out more about your business and talk through all of your requirements to give you a competitive package and price.

    What type of insurance do you need for a restaurant?

    If you own the building, you will need Buildings Insurance and should also consider Public Liability Insurance. If you have staff, you will also need to add Employers Liability Insurance. For equipment and products on sale, you may also need to consider Contents and Stock cover.

    What insurance do I need for a pub?

    As the owner of a licensed venue you require Public Liability Insurance, Employers Liability, Buildings (if required), Contents, and Stock Insurance. We also recommend that you consider Loss of Licence Insurance.

    If I do not own the pub, do I still need to take out insurance?

    If you do not own the venue, you would not require Buildings Insurance, as this will be the responsibility of the owner. However, you should consider Contents and Stock Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Employers Liability Insurance, as well as Loss of License.

    Are my contents covered?

    Our Contents and Stock Insurance cover protects your contents, stock and cash within your premises.

    I own a large hotel, am I able to get cover?

    We try and cater for all different sized Hotels or Guesthouses. Each business is different, so we would prefer to speak to you to find out more about your individual needs and find the best cover and price for you.

    What is Commercial Property Insurance?

    If you own a commercial property, you will require Buildings Insurance. Contents insurance would be recommended. Our commercial property insurance can cover you for both as well as your liability.

    How much is Landlord Insurance?

    This varies for each individual landlord policy. Our prices are based on many factors, including the value of the property and contents that need to be covered.

    Do I need Landlord Contents Insurance?

    We recommend that you have Contents Insurance in place to protect you financially. Especially if your property is furnished, where our Contents Insurance covers you for damage or theft to your furniture.

    Are my tools covered overnight?

    Our policies do extend to cover tools overnight, subject to terms and conditions. Our experts will talk you through those conditions.

    Do I need Tools Insurance?

    It is not a legal requirement, however it is highly recommended to protect you against financial loss and also may lead to you being unable to work.

    What is Tradesman Insurance?

    Tradesman Insurance is insurance for people in the trade. Public Liability Insurance protects a tradesman against damage to a third party property or person. Tradesman Insurance can also include cover for Employers Liability, Tools, Plant and Contractors All Risks.

    I am a sole trader, do I need Tradesman Insurance?

    Although not a legal requirement we would recommend Public Liability Insurance is taken out to protect yourself and your customers against injury to a third party person, or damage to a third party property.

    I am a counsellor, can I get covered?

    Yes – we insure life coaches and counsellors. We would recommend you give us a call and talk through your profession and our in-house experts and advise you on what the best type of cover is for you and your business.

    What is Public Liability Insurance?

    Public Liability is a type of insurance that protects you in the event that a member of public was to sue your business. It covers you against the cost of claims made against you if a member of the public has suffered an injury as a result of your business.

    Why do I need Public Liability Insurance?

    If you are a sole trader or partnership with no employees it is not a legal requirement to have Public Liability Insurance. However, it is recommended that you have Public Liability when working on public property. You may also be required to have Public Liability Insurance as part of a contract with a principal contractor.

    What levels of cover do you offer?

    We offer cover for £1 million, £2 million, £5 million and £10 million, so you can select which cover suits your business requirements best.

    Is Public Liability Insurance a legal requirement?

    While Public Liability Insurance is not compulsory under UK law, it is strongly recommended and may be required by some of your clients. Depending on your business, some organisations will require you to have proof of Public Liability Insurance cover before agreeing to a contract.

    What is Employers Liability Insurance?

    Employers Liability is Insurance cover which protects you against and costs of legal fees should an employee sue your business for any illness or injury which occurred when working for you. You are legally required to have correct the Liability Insurance if you have employees.

    Is Employers Liability Insurance compulsory?

    Yes, if you employ staff directly or use labour only sub-contractors it is a legal requirement to ensure you have Employers Liability Insurance. If you are employing a family member, it is not always compulsory to have Employers Liability Insurance, however is recommended.

    Do I need Employer’s Liability Insurance for contractors and sub-contractors?

    All labour only sub-contractors are your responsibility and are required to be covered by Employers Liability Insurance. Bona-fide sub-contractors, working independently, may not require cover. They will have their own Public Liability Insurance, however, you must ensure that their insurance is of an equivalent cover limit to your own policy.

    What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    Professional Indemnity Insurance is an important type of business insurance, designed for businesses that give advice or provide a professional service to clients. It can cover compensation claims if legal action is brought against you by a client for making an error that leads to financial loss.

    Why is Professional Indemnity Insurance required?

    It provides cover for financial loss caused by wrongful advice or services. If you are providing advice, consultation, or design services it is recommended that you have Professional Indemnity Insurance. You may also be required to hold Professional Indemnity as part of a contract with a principal contractor.

    Does a limited company need Professional Indemnity Insurance?

    It is not an insurance product required by law and depends on the type of services provided by the company. Professional Indemnity Insurance is prudent when it comes to businesses offering a professional service such as accountants, solicitors, consultants, architects, etc.

    What is Directors and Officers Insurance?

    Directors & Officers (D&O) is liability insurance for the directors and officers of a company. If someone alleges you’ve done a wrongful act when running your business, then they can sue the company, which means they can sue you. D&O Insurance offers protection for claims against you as an individual.

    Am I protected against claims made by investors?

    If your company has directors or key managers, directors’ and officers’ liability insurance can cover the cost of compensation claims made against them by shareholders, investors, employees, regulators or third parties.

    What is Cyber Liability Insurance?

    Cyber Liability Insurance is a policy which protects businesses from internet-based risks. Such as cyber attacks, data breaches and hacking.

    Who needs Cyber Liability Insurance?

    If you own a business which handles sensitive data on your computer systems you should have the correct protection in place. Having the right insurance means you are protecting your business against the risk of your customers data being compromised in the event of a cyber attack.

    What does Cyber Liability Insurance cover?

    Cyber Liability Insurance is designed to support and protect your business if it experiences a data breach or is the subject of an attack by a malicious hacker that affects its computer systems.

    What other documents should I take when driving abroad?

    You should always carry your V5 Vehicle Registration Document and a copy of your Certificate of Insurance, especially now Green Cards are no longer used.  

    You may also be required to have an International Driving Permit depending on where you are travelling to. This is available from the Post Office at a cost of £5.50 and must be applied for in person at a Post Office branch. You do not need an IDP to drive in the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein if you have a driving licence issued in the UK.

    Where can I find further information?

    The UK Government have provided guidance around driving abroad on the following website;

    You can also contact us on 0344 776 5305. Alternatively, you can email us at or use our Live Chat facility on our website,

    How do I get started?

    Getting your name out there locally is a great starting point. Whilst the majority of couriers are self-employed, they actually contract with different courier companies. You should have a look on the Courier Exchange website, which helps you find courier work, increase business, reduce costs, network and expand routes. It may take a while before your self-employed courier jobs really take off, but if you complete the job well demonstrating reliability and build up an excellent reputation, there will always be work with courier companies who heavily depend on reliable couriers.

    What type of vehicle do I need?

    There’s plenty of haulier and courier work available if you have a car, but the bigger the vehicle the better, so that you can courier bigger loads. Vans are preferred and will heighten your earning potential, but the most fundamental thing is that your vehicle is reliable and can go long distances without breaking down.

    Do I need insurance? What insurance do I need?

    As you will be driving a vehicle, you are required by law to have insurance and it is your responsibility to have the correct insurance. If you are driving a van, you will need to have courier insurance. It would also be a good idea to have Goods In Transit insurance too, as this covers you in the event of goods you are transporting being damaged or stolen, whilst in your vehicle. If you have a large number of vehicles then it may be wise to consider Fleet Insurance as well.

    How and when do I get paid?

    Courier drivers typically get paid very quickly via bank transfer, with all invoices being processed and paid usually within 30 days.

    What requirements are there?

    You don’t need any qualifications to become a courier driver – the only real requirement is that you have a full and clean driving licence, along with a vehicle that is MOT’d with the correct type of business insurance. Becoming a self-employed courier driver does require certain skills. The most crucial skill for self-employed couriers is that they know where to go. With familiarity of traffic patterns and roadworks, they can plan the best and quickest routes possible, not only to ensure they arrive at their destination in good time but also for fuel efficiency. Courier drivers will also need to manage their bookkeeping, keeping track of packages and costs. People skills and a cheerful personality won’t go amiss either, as you will be dealing regularly with customers when delivering parcels. Finally, it will be handy to know what to do in the event of something going wrong with your vehicle – there’s always the chance of a flat tyre or your vehicle breaking down.

    What are the advantages to becoming a courier driver?

    There are plenty of delivery driver advantages. With a change of scenery with every courier job, you’re not stuck behind a desk in an office job and there’s lots of flexibility, especially as you can choose your own hours and can choose the work you take on.

    How much money can I make as a courier?

    Courier driver jobs make a decent wage. A self-employed courier salary can be as much as £300 a day. Whilst wages will be low to begin with, it increases over time and you can still work in your day job, whilst being a courier driver. You can also earn more if you have a van, instead of a car as you will be able to deliver bigger loads.

    What does a courier do / main duties of a courier?

    The main duties of a courier driver are transporting items that require urgent delivery. These packages can range from fragile items and legal contracts, to medical delivery and business documents. Courier drivers will need to plan delivery routes, load items into their car or van, examine vehicles, signing for items and collecting instructions.

    If you’re becoming a self-employed courier driver and need the appropriate insurance, or if you are an experienced courier driver needing to renew your insurance, get in touch with Business Choice Direct today. We can give you fantastic bespoke insurance policies tailored for your own needs.

    Who are Strategic and who are LAMP?

    Strategic are the insurance agency the policy was arranged through. LAMP Insurance are the insurance company that underwrite the GAP or Total Loss Protection policy.

    What does this mean for me?

    Your GAP or Total Loss Protection policy is now cancelled and you would not be able to make any claim on that policy as of 3rd October 2019.

    How much refund would I receive?

    If you are due a refund, return of premium is calculated on the basis of any unexpired premium from the Disclaimer date (3rd October 2019), and is compensated at 90% of the total due by the FSCS. No refund would be due if a claim had been reported. 

    If I have cancelled my policy would I still be due any refund?

    The terms and conditions of your existing policy remain applicable in the event that you have cancelled your Lamp insurance policy. Please see your policy wording in relation to cancellations.

    The FSCS have advised that policyholders who have cancelled their policies will still be entitled to a return of premium but its value will be determined according to the policy terms and conditions which may be less favourable than a pro-rata return.

    I have an existing claim or want to make a new claim. What should I do?

    The Liquidator has appointed Quest Consulting (London) Ltd of 52-53 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V OEH, United Kingdom (“Quest”) to administer claims and communications in respect of insurance claims should be sent to the following email address

    No claims occurring after 23:59 on 2nd October 2019 will be considered. Existing claims will continue to be dealt with by Quest Consulting.

    Can I get Instant Cover?

    Yes, you can, once you have paid the premium or your deposit, we can send proof of cover by email straight away.

    Can I pay in instalments?

    Of course, we have a range of instalment options including flexible deposits depending on your circumstances.

    What is Furniture Removal insurance?

    You will require furniture removal insurance if you carry out home or office moves which involve the removal of furniture, this insurance will cover the use carriage of goods for hire & reward but specifically to carry out furniture removals.

    How much is Furniture Removal insurance?

    Our policies are tailored to suit your requirements so your premium is calculated based on what type of cover you need. We do not have set costs for the cover, however you can speak to our agents who can find a quick quote for you over the phone.